Heat Press Batting Together 1.5 inches wide by 15 yards

$19.00 $24.00
2 in stock

HEAT Press Batting Together was developed to fuse batting-fabric together to fit a specific size, to enlarge or reinforce. The HEAT Press Batting Together is 1 ½ inch cloth tape on a 15 yard roll, will allow batting edges to be fused together with a soft fuse that stretches, eliminating the old pinning and stitching of extra batting pieces needed to fit a specific project. The product can be used on any batting fabric content. With this product quilters' will be able to use all the batting they have purchased. The purchase of one package of "Heat Press Batting Together" contains 15 yards, enough yardage for at least three large quilts. Use it for: Quilting, Reinforcement for stretch fabric, Backing for stretch fabric, Patch for stretch fabric. 100% Made in the USA Steps to Use: Iron setting to Cotton for all battings but Wool. Set the heat to Wool for the Wool Battings. Use an up and down motion with the iron as you place the tape for the first time on the batting to hold it in place. When the tape is set in place, then apply heat and you may use a little steam to completely met the glue backing. You will find that the tape is soft, flexible, stretches and is easy needle ready for either hand quilting or machine quilting. It's fast and easy.

  • Made in the USA
  • 15 yards
  • Use on all batting types (use iron settings to set temp)
  • Save all your batting pieces and save money
Directions for using HEAT Press Batting Together:
Iron Settings are Most Important when applying tape. Irons with Teflon plates can use low cotton to fuse tape.
Irons without a Teflon plate use the new instructions below.

Remove Plastic Wrapping.

Test your iron with Tape and batting.
100% polyester batting...low setting.. (high synthetic) and slide the heat of the iron across the batting quickly.
 If needed use an appliqué sheet over the tape on the high loft 100% polyester.
Test all synthetic mixed battings – usually a wool setting works well
You may find that the batting looks flat after application with the heat but when it cools the batting is fluffy again.
With a large quilt batting 93” and adding more width, I use weights on either side of the batting to hold it in place.
Simply lay tape over cut edges and slide the iron over the tape without any pressure – “smooth out the tape” with the heat of the iron.

The batting tape needs only be applied to one side of the batting. It holds through washings and dry cleanings. It doesn’t gum up the needles and can be stitched by hand or by any machine.